Monday, September 6, 2010

More thoughts on Music

Having witness so so much mediocre to just plain awful music at mass, I have to wonder...

Wouldn't NO music at all be preferable to BAD music barely (it at all) sung???

And I have to wonder also if the book "Why Catholics Can't Sing" isn't dealing
with the wrong question...

Why catholics DON'T sing is a better question.

Or better yet...

Why are we constantly TRYING to make people sing who just want to sit (or stand or kneel) and QUIETLY PRAY TO THEIR CREATOR??????

What's wrong with quiet devotion? Why must going to Mass be like Sing along with Mitch?

1 comment:

NCSue said...

I think one of the things I regret most about the way Mass is "done" recently is the edict that we'll all stand and sing after Eucharist until all have received. To me, the most precious time of all was that time after receiving our Lord... time when I would sit and reflect on the miracle I'd just been given.


Not so much.